Agenda item

Planning application - 195284FUL - Land opposite Ravenswood Court, Stanley Road, Acton (South Acton)


John Robertson, Planning officer, presented the planning application for the Land opposite Ravenswood Court on Stanley Road, Acton. He outlined the proposal, which involved the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a mixed-use development with varying storey heights (ranging from ground plus part 9 to part 16). The development included industrial space on the ground, first, and second floors, 140 residential units, rooftop amenity space, plant facilities, landscaping, access, car and cycle parking, and other associated works.

Mr Robertson highlighted that the recommendation to grant planning permission was contingent on a Stage 2 referral to the Mayor of London and the successful completion of a legal agreement under sections 106 and 278 of the relevant planning acts. The site was part of a Locally Significant Industrial Site, and the proposed project aimed to replace 77 sqm of existing light industrial space with modern facilities, resulting in a net gain of 717 sqm.

Despite exceeding the 15-storey height limit, Mr Robertson noted that the development aligned with London Policy E7 and Policy E6 of the Reg19 Draft Ealing Local Plan, contributing to industrial capacity and fulfilling public benefits. These benefits included a net gain in industrial floorspace, creation of local jobs, improved access and servicing, public realm enhancements, tree planting, and the provision of 42 affordable flats.

While facing substantial objections from local residents and groups, Mr Robertson emphasised that the project underwent significant revisions in response to pre-application and post-application negotiations with relevant authorities. Changes include a reduction in building height, a decrease in the number of flats, adjustments to the housing mix, and alterations to the scheme from Build to Rent to conventional market sale/affordable units.

Acknowledging the conflict with Ealing and London Plan policies regarding tall buildings, Mr Robertson argued that the development adheres to key design criteria, aligning with the South Acton LSIS Masterplan initiated by the Council. He asserted that the proposal conforms to the principles of both Policy E7 of the London Plan and Policy E6 of the Reg 19 Draft Ealing Local Plan.

The visual impact appraisal indicated that the proposed development would have a moderate and beneficial effect on views, contributing to the changing townscape of South Acton. The Heritage Assessment found no harmful effect on nearby heritage assets, and the impact on neighbouring properties was deemed acceptable. The proposed mix of unit sizes, tenure, and amenities met standards, with 42 affordable flats and communal spaces.

Despite falling below, the London Plan target for Urban Greening Factor, the proposal was deemed acceptable due to site constraints. The applicant addressed concerns about overshadowing and wind effects on adjoining allotments, providing information indicating sufficient sunlight for horticulture.

Transport-related concerns were addressed through a Section 106 agreement, including financial contributions for highway improvements. Pollution and Technical Services raised no objections, with appropriate conditions applied to address noise and air quality concerns. The proposed energy strategy, endorsed by the Council's Energy Adviser, aligns with sustainability requirements.

In conclusion, Mr Robertson confirmed that the benefits of the proposed development, such as increased housing stock, modern industrial space, affordable units, and contributions to infrastructure, outweigh its limited deficiencies. He recommended conditional approval, subject to legal agreements under sections 106 and 278.

In response to questions from the committee Mr Robertson confirmed that the full height of the development was ground plus 16 stories.

Members of the committee had concerns with the development being over the recommended height and daylight However the committee commented that the application that developers had made great progress. However, the committee was pleased with the good public engagement, improvements to pedestrian access, greenery, affordability, and safety implications.



That for the reasons set out in the committee report, planning permission for application REF 195284FUL be GRANTED subject to:

1.     Stage II referral to the Mayor of London

2.     The satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town

3.     Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and section 278 of the Highways Act 1980


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