Agenda item

Renovation of the Young Adult Centre and Undertaking an Options review on youth service provision




         I.       Noted that an appraisal has been completed which considers the potential scope and costs of renovating the existing Young Adult Centre (YAC) building in Southall.


       II.       Based upon the indicative costs shown in the option, approved the establishment of a budget of £2.8m to be added to the capital programme for the purpose of proceeding with further design and building activity to renovate the YAC, to be funded from borrowing in the absence of available developer contributions or other funding sources and delegates the final financing to the Strategic Director of Corporate Resources.


     III.       Authorised  the Strategic Director of Economy and Sustainability to invite and evaluate tenders in order to commission further detailed design work, working in consultation with the Youth Service, to confirm the scope of renovation to the YAC building, including securing any necessary approvals and planning permission for building works for an approximate total value of £2.8ml and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Economy and Sustainability to award any contract(s) for these services. A bespoke project plan will cover the specific costs.


     IV.       Authorised the Strategic Director of Economy and Sustainability to invite and evaluate tenders for renovation works contract(s) for a total approximate value of £2.8m and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Economy and Sustainability to award any building contract(s) required to facilitate the renovation works.

      V.       Noted that an options appraisal will be undertaken to create an alternative delivery model for youth services in Ealing which may include the formation of a Charitable Foundation to safeguard the delivery of future youth services.





1        The 2022-2025 Youth Plan was published in 2021 following consultation with young people and communities in Ealing. In this plan the YAC site was reaffirmed as a site for redevelopment. The confirmation of the redevelopment proposal followed on from a Council decision in 2015. Further consultation with young people and the community took place during 2022 and following this consultation, the decision was made that the site would no longer be regenerated for housing and that the YAC would remain on the site. It would be renovated to provide services that children, young people and the community want, underpinned by a sustainable finance model.

2        Youth centres in Ealing made a significant contribution to the health and wellbeing of children and young people across the Borough through their accessibility and locations.

3        The youth centres also had a wide role that supports and improves community engagement and participation with children and young people. Children and young people could engage in a range of programmes and activities as well as receiving support from youth workers, working locally within the community and within youth centres. Following a consultation with children and young people, the programmes and activities were what young people wanted locally.

4        The Council had an overall strategy to promote Active Citizenship and engagement with communities, and the Youth Plan promotes how youth services will be delivered as part of a wider partnership. Youth centres have a vital role to play in that strategy, by making the youth centres attractive and well-maintained venues where children and young people want to visit is vital to increase engagement and participation.

5        To achieve further engagement and participation an options appraisal for an alternative delivery model would need to be completed for the youth service. The options appraisal would consider how the Council’s new model for youth service delivery works together with the partners in the community and young people to achieve common objectives particularly to encourage and promote the use of youth centres for programmes and activities. There must be a real focus towards engagement and participation of children and young people.

6        The renovation of the YAC required significant capital investment. This investment would provide the basis and the opportunity for any new model for delivery with young people and community partners working closely alongside each other, using the YAC to jointly deliver youth services.

7        Utilising community partnerships, while at the same time reviewing the model to deliver youth services could result in an ability to attract additional external resources and finances.     


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