Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 14 June 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: The Liz Cantell Room, Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing, W5 2BY. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence received.


In accordance with paragraph 2.6(a) of the Council’s Constitution, the following speakers addressed the Cabinet with regard to the following items:


Item 10 – Implementation of Idling Engagement and Enforcement Plan

·       Cllr Malcolm

·       Cllr Gallant


Item 11 – Results of Residents Survey

·       Cllr Busuttil (nominated by Cllr Malcolm)

·       Cllr Gallant


The meeting was held in a hybrid format with members and officers able to join the meeting remotely. However, regulations did not allow for members attending virtually to be counted as present in the attendance section of the minutes, and their attendance would not count as attendance in relation to section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972. Members attending virtually would be able to speak but would not be able to vote. Cllr Costigan attended virtually.


Cllr Mason welcomed new Cabinet members Cllr Knewstub and Cllr Brett to their first Cabinet meeting. Cllr Mason also expressed his thanks to Cllr Raza and Cllr L Wall who had served on Cabinet in the previous municipal year and had now departed their roles.



Matters to be Considered in Private


There were none.


Urgent Matters


There were none.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2023.




The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 May 2023, were agreed as a true and accurate record.




Appointments to Sub Committees and Outside Bodies


There were none.


2022/23 Revenue and Capital Outturn pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


    I.          Noted the General Fund revenue budget outturn position of £1.813m net underspend (0.71%) for 2022/23 (section 4), and an overspend of £3.309m on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2022/23 (section 6).


  II.          Approved the transfer of the net underspend balance of £1.813m to the General Fund balance.


III.          Noted financial pressures arising from COVID-19 in 2022/23 with total spend of c.£13m in relation to the General Fund, fully funded from government grants.


IV.          Noted the year end Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) surplus of £1.345m within the DSG account, although the High Needs block ended the year with a £0.570m deficit.


 V.          Noted the HRA balance as at 31 March 2023 of £4.925m and earmarked reserves of £11.941m.


VI.          Noted the 2022/23 capital programme outturn variance of £5.844m (2.58%) underspend.


VII.          Approved the decommissioning of £3.221m of capital schemes from the capital programme.


VIII.          Approved the re-profiling of 2022/23 capital programme schemes with slippage in excess of £1m, of £43.016m into future years.


IX.          Noted the General Fund balance as at 31 March 2023 of £17.732m and the total balance on General Fund earmarked reserves of £112.012m as at 31 March 2023.





1.1              It was outlined what the Council’s outturn position on revenue, capital, income and expenditure for 2022/23 and Cabinet was asked to make decisions accordingly.



Adoption of the Travel in Ealing (TIE) Charter pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.            Approved the adoption of the Travel in Ealing (TIE) Charter (at Appendix 1) and the Transport Programme Data Strategy (at Appendix 2).





1.1As set out in the draft Travel in Ealing (TIE) Charter, the Council stressed its determination to shape Ealing for the better and tackle the big challenges, like the climate emergency and the growing inequalities that held too many people back from leading happy and healthy lives.


1.2        The Council is committed to being open, transparent, and inclusive. However, it was noted that historically this wasn’t always been achieved. It was stressed that the Council had listened and learned and were committed to improving how we engage with local people, including on transport and active travel projects. Engagement was comprehensive, including online surveys and face to face consultation to ensure that as many people as possible had the opportunity to contribute to considerations. It was stressed that the Council had worked with residents and stakeholders from across the Borough to produce the Travel in Ealing Charter.



1.3        It was explained that the TIE Charter is the means by which this new approach to engagement would be delivered and was itself developed through an extensive engagement process. The TIE Charter - Engagement Report, March 2023 set out that process, with the following chapters covering each of the following six consecutive engagement stages. Together, the different stages of engagement that were undertaken in developing the TIE Charter have revealed the keys issues that need to be addressed in relation to future engagement on transport and related projects and initiatives in the borough.

1.4        The Council developed a Transport Programme Data Strategy that defines the processes, technology, and rules required to manage data collection and respond to residents and stakeholders in a transparent way. At its core are the Transport Strategy and the Travel in Ealing Charter, which together lay out our goals, our guiding principles and our new approach to engagement. These provided the foundation for each scheme, which is then informed in more detail by resident requests, our own data, and plans for specific schemes.



Adults LGA Peer challenge response pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


         I.       Noted the final report and recommendations from the LGA Adults peer challenge.





2.1          An LGA peer challenge of adult services in Ealing was conducted in February 2023 and was commissioned to support the Council’s planning for the future assurance framework and inspection approach from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


2.2          The Cabinet noted the report, recognising the significant strengths of adult services in Ealing identified in the peer challenge, and areas of future development. These would help inform and refresh the delivery plan for commissioning and social work operations in adult social care, the continued focus on delivery of the Council Plan, improving outcomes for Ealing residents, and  preparing for future assurance and inspection by the Care Quality Commission.



Implementation of Idling Engagement and Enforcement Plan pdf icon PDF 169 KB




That Cabinet:


             I.            Approved the implementation of a borough-wide vehicle idling engagement and enforcement scheme.




1.     As set out in the Council Plan 2022-2026 - Climate Action:


The Council want to keep Ealing clean and green, achieve net zero carbon, and ensure parks, open spaces and nature are protected and enhanced.


Ealing declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 as one of the biggest issues affecting our borough and beyond. The Council have already taken action, but want to do more.


2.     As set out in the Council Plan (2022-2026) - Climate Action 4-year commitments were to:

1.2.1     Launch our Active Travel Charter setting out how we will deliver active travel in the borough and invest at least £10m to increase cycling, walking, running, and scooting and reduce polluting vehicles through active travel schemes

1.2.2     Campaign to win the powers we need off the Government to enforce 20mph speed limits and ramp up fines for idling vehicles to the maximum.

3.     The Cabinet, therefore, resolved to introduce a brough wide engagement and enforcement scheme to tackle vehicle idling. 



Results of Residents Survey pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet


      I.          Noted the results of the Ealing Residents Survey 2022





1.     Cabinet summarised the headline results of the Ealing Residents Survey 2022. It was explained that the findings would be used to inform service development and improvement and inform further consultation exercises with residents.



Date of the next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 12 July 2023.


The date of the next scheduled Cabinet meeting was Wednesday 12 July 2023.


Due to his imminent departure, Cabinet put on record its appreciation and thanks to Darren Henaghan (Interim Strategic Director of Housing and Environment) and wished him well for the future.